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Nicole Adams is affectionately known as Mona Lisa Vito for her drag race hobby. She is a new ham, driven to bring the younger generation into the amateur radio hobby. Nicole's draw to ham radio was propagation and space weather.

Mitch Altman is an international hacker, inventor, entrepreneur, author, mentor, best known for starting Noisebridge hackerspace and inventing TV-B-Gone, which turns off TVs in public places. He did pioneering work in virtual reality in the mid 1980s and was co-founder of 3ware, a successful SillyValley startup in the 1990s. He has visited hundreds of hackerspaces around the world.  He mentors, teaches soldering, and promotes open hardware and community wherever he goes.

Anonapussy is a staunch researcher in de-tasking and the Stop Cop Cities movement, motivated long ago by the loss of a friend at the hands of the police, then recently reactivated by the police murder of Tortuguita. Born into an activist family, she has visited prisoners, learned how to get along with folks unlike her through disaster relief work, and helped to improve our world by contributing positively to things like creating and saving community gardens, creating more bike lanes, shutting down the Nevada nuclear test site, preventing a liquid natural gas station from existing on the water, decriminalizing weed, setting up and running Rainbow Gatherings, working security at festivals, protecting people from police, and doing court support and jail taxi. She thinks the golden rule is cool and is fascinated by acorn power.

Christine Bachman leverages her background in teaching, graphics design, and technology in her current role as DevOps in education technology. She incorporated Lockpick Extreme LLC with her partner Bob Hermes to share the joy of lockpicking with others. An advocate for women in technology, they have brought lockpick villages to many nonprofit conferences over the last ten years.

Florin Badita is a hacker and activist known for his pioneering work in data-driven activism. He founded the "Corruption Kills" movement and organized the largest protest in Romanian history. Florin was recognized in Forbes 30 Under 30 and has presented at multiple international conferences, including HOPE 2020. He is committed to enhancing transparency and accountability through innovative technological solutions.

Daniel Baldor specializes in identity and access management (IAM) and public key infrastructure (PKI) and works with hardware security module stuff. He has worked in the financial sector in information security for 12 years.

Elizabeth Barry serves as chief operating officer and head of partnerships at the Computational Democracy Project, the 501(c)3 organization she established with the creators of the Polis technology to steward its open-source code and methods. She works with facilitators, social movements, civil society organizations, journalists, indigenous nations, governments, and peacebuilders to implement "listening at scale" - Polis's tagline since 2014. Her prior work involved listening to 100,000 strangers in New York City and across the United States using a sign that said "Talk To Me." Elizabeth's work is most often characterized as collective intelligence.

Kevin Bates is an entrepreneur, conceptual artist, and founder of Arduboy. From humble beginnings, he strives to be a small but potent element of positive change in the world through the promotion of self-directed and open-source education.

Ed Bear is an American performing artist and engineer working with robotics, sound, video, transmission, and collective improvisation. As an educator and designer committed to an open-source world, he researches and practices material reuse as a civil responsibility. He has toured extensively in North America, Asia, and Europe as a performer, technical producer, and teacher; and worked with acclaimed museums, artists, musicians, and leading education and research institutions.

Garrick Beck was born into Off-Broadway's Living Theatre, founded by his progressive artist parents Julian Beck and Judith Malina.  He left that fabulous Beat Generation scene and moved "back-to-the-land" in Oregon where he was instrumental in the beginnings of the organic food movement and sustainable forestry. Returning to New York, he pioneered a children's gardening program that has been replicated in hundreds of urban landscapes. Additionally, he was one of the co-founders of The Rainbow Gatherings: communitarian, gently anarchic, free events, open to everyone, held on public forest lands for over 50 years and now in as many countries. He has spent time in federal prison while defending the rights of peaceable assembly on public lands, resulting in rulings that have overturned multiple sets of federal regulations as unconstitutional, and preserving - to some degree - everyone's rights of public assembly.

Tim Benish is a technomage and principal security analyst at Secureworld Advisory Council. He is a moderator of the 2600net Facebook group and an eclectic gatherer of knowledge and rare items.

Dr. Andréanne Bergeron is the director of research at GoSecure, specializing in online attackers' behaviors. Her expertise delves into the intersection of criminology and cybersecurity. In addition, Andréanne holds an esteemed position as an adjunct professor in the Department of Criminology of Montreal University, bridging academia and industry. Involved in the cybersecurity community, she is a board member of the Canadian Cybersecurity Network and the co-vice-president of engagement and outreach for Northsec.

Emma Best is an investigative journalist, transparency advocate, and cofounder of Distributed Denial of Secrets (DDoSecrets). She has filed thousands of Freedom of Information Act requests and published hundreds of articles appearing in outlets like MuckRock, Gizmodo, Motherboard, Unicorn Riot, The Outline, and Property of the People.

Eliza Bettinger is a member of Library Freedom Project and the lead librarian for digital scholarship at Cornell University Library, where she helps scholars and students get the hang of digital approaches to research. She works with maps, text, data, images, visualizations, networks, codes, and always, people and their questions. She sees Internet literacy - technical, social, and economic - as the fundamental to the pedagogical work of librarians.

BiaSciLab is a 17-year-old hacker and maker. Her election hacking work was highlighted at a congressional hearing on election security. This inspired her to build her own election system: Secure Open Vote. This summer she is interning with IBM's X-Force Red and is the lead goon for DCNextGen, the official DEF CON youth track. She is also the founder and CEO of Girls Who Hack, an organization focused on teaching girls the skills of hacking so that they can change the future.

Autumn Bokor is a cybersecurity instructor, content creator, and software developer at Retia. She splits her time between being a cybersecurity college student and teaching classes at makerspaces and conferences around the U.S.

Douglas Borge is a not-for-profit leadership professional with over a decade of experience in providing operational and strategic planning support to nonprofits and government agencies. His expertise lies in capital campaigns to redevelop and improve mission-based activities. He is a consultant with extensive experience in museums and nonprofit management. As the chief operating officer at Tesla Science Center, Douglas contributes to the organization's financial stability and operational efficiency.

Steve Bossert is a lifelong wireless technology enthusiast who has worked with semiconductor, network infrastructure, and mobile operators globally since 2004 to help provide corporate strategy market research and go-to-market assistance. As an amateur radio operator (K2GOG) now for almost 25 years, Steve continues to explore satellite, weak signal, and other interesting application advancements not just related to amateur radio while trying to not inhale too many ozone, solder, or PETG fumes while being part of many maker and open source groups in the Hudson Valley area of New York.

Katelyn "medus4" Bowden is a hacker, activist, and Cult of the Dead Cow member who embraces the human side of hacking and tech. Katelyn has dedicated her life to changing the world for the positive - between her work fighting nonconsensual pornography and her dedication to educating users on security, she is committed to making the Internet a safer place for everyone. Her alignment is chaotic good, with a hard emphasis on the chaos. She also creates strange furby art and has over 60 dead things on display in her house.

Eric Bryce studied engineering physics before selling his soul and becoming a capital markets professional. He holds several relevant professional designations, and a few irrelevant ones. After the market closes, he seeks repentance by helping organize the Physical Security Village and by volunteering with a wilderness first aid organization. Nothing he says is financial, legal, or veterinary advice.

Bill Budington is a longtime activist, cryptography enthusiast, and a senior staff technologist on EFF's public interest technology team. His research has been featured in The New York Times, The Los Angeles Times, The Guardian, and cited by the U.S. Congress. He is the lead developer of Cover Your Tracks (formerly Panopticlick) and apkeep, has led HTTPS Everywhere from 2015 to 2018, and has contributed to projects like Let's Encrypt and SecureDrop. His primary interest lies in dismantling systems of oppression, building up collaborative alternatives, and, to borrow a phrase from Zapatismo, fighting for a "world in which many worlds fit."

John Bumstead is a reuse and small business advocate who started the Apple refurbisher, RDKL, Inc. (Roadkill Incorporated) in 2008, which repairs and sells thousands of Apple products yearly. He is also a YouTuber focusing on retro computing and repair/reuse advocacy, and makes "glitch art" with broken computers.

Erica Burgess is a cybersecurity and AI architect, and was previously a software engineer, red teamer, pentesting lead, and has been hacking since high school. Since then, she has been earning bug bounties and CVEs and presenting her offensive security research at various conferences.

Peter Capek is retired from IBM Research where he worked on operating systems, computer architecture, networking, and other things. His main current interests are the history of programming and software, as well as climate change.

Fae Carlisle holds a Master's degree in cybersecurity. Since a kid, she's been a hacker and pursued it into a career path. She works as a threat intelligence researcher and enjoys tracking and uncovering new threats.

Dr. Gregory Carpenter serves as the chief security officer at KnowledgeBridge International, holds the title of Fellow of the Royal Society for the Arts in London, and was named the National Security Agency's Operations Officer of the Year. He is on the board of directors for ATNA Systems, an advisor for Red Seer Security, a senior advisor for ARIC, Inc., and a Special Operations Medical Association member. With a 27 year career in the U.S. Army, Gregory is a retired army officer. He holds a bachelor of science degree, a master of science degree, and a doctorate in public health. His professional certifications include certified information security manager, Lean Six Sigma Black Belt, and ISO-9000 lead auditor.

Danny Chan received his MSc in microbiology during the course of his PhD candidacy in S.aureus infectious disease models using skin organoids. He was a research technician for many years in multiple fields including cellulosic ethanol production, protein crystallography, prefrontal cortex development, and heat shock proteins before working as a medical editor, fact checking pharmaceutical ads in an agency. He seeks to apply his skills and knowledge of science and industry with compassionate sensibilities in order to foster new institutions that empower folks with the tools of biotech. Currently he freelances, organizes with various autonomous collectives, teaches, and pursues independent research centered around protocol development for the DIY science community.

Dr. Welton Chang is cofounder and CEO of Pyrra Technologies. Most recently, he was the first chief technology officer at Human Rights First and founded HRF's Innovation Lab. Prior to joining HRF, Welton was a senior researcher at the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory, where he led teams and developed technical solutions to address disinformation and online propaganda. Before joining APL, he served for nearly a decade as an intelligence officer at the Defense Intelligence Agency and in the Army, including two operational tours in Iraq and a tour in South Korea. Welton received a PhD and MA from the University of Pennsylvania, an MA from Georgetown University, and a BA from Dartmouth College.

John C. Checco is an information security professional providing subject matter expertise across various industries. He specializes in the areas of zero-trust strategies, responsible automation, biometric security, and cyber-physical coordinated threats on critical infrastructures. John is a part-time New York State fire instructor, a volunteer firefighter with special teams training in vehicular extrication and dive/ice rescue, an amateur novelist, and he routinely donates blood in several adult hockey leagues.

Lodrina Cherne is a recognized expert in digital forensics and incident response (DFIR), and a certified instructor at the SANS Institute, where she helps information security professionals advance their foundational understanding of digital forensics. With a bachelor's degree in computer science from Boston University, work as a technical researcher at the Shorenstein Center at Harvard's Kennedy School of Government, and as an Aspen Tech Policy Hub fellow, Lodrina has held senior positions at firms including Cybereason and Arsenal Consulting.

Guillermo Christensen is a partner in national security practice at K&L Gates. He counsels clients on cybersecurity and data protection, including working on incident response matters. Guillermo served as a CIA intelligence officer, was the CIA Fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations in New York, and was detailed to the FBI to help build the intelligence program for the Bureau. In his national security work, Guillermo is active on several levels - as a founding member of the Association of U.S. Cyber Forces and the National Artificial Intelligence and Cybersecurity Information Sharing Organization, and is an instructor at the FBI's CISO Academy.

Ariel Churi co-owns Sparkle Labs with Amy Parness where they design and sell educational electronics kits.

Dr. Spring Cooper is an associate professor at CUNY's Graduate School of Public Health and Health Policy (CUNY SPH). Her research is focused on adolescent sexuality and sexual health, with broader themes of addressing sexual stigma, improving sexuality communication, and promotion of healthy sexuality through educational and public health interventions, including HPV vaccination. As 2020 began to shift how we think about the university in various ways, her research has also adopted new interests: exploring anti-racist and trauma-informed practices in the classroom. She was also the first person in New York to press charges for nonconsensual intimate image sharing, and is now an advocate for survivors.

CriptasticHacker is an engineer, musician, and artist. He is a wizard at SMD micro-soldering and sleeps best with the gentle motor hum of a 3D printer nearby. Working at the intersection of physical accessibility and technology, he challenges industry "cripwashing" and is an advocate for disability access at hackerspaces. He posts wheelchair repair videos for free online and loves sharing with fellow crips the tools and knowledge for self-empowerment.

Emily Crose is a cybersecurity practitioner and researcher of hacking history. Emily has been an avid participant in the hacking scene, speaking at several conferences over the years on topics ranging from computer network defense research to technical ethics and responsibility. Emily is a former technical intelligence officer in the U.S. intelligence community, working for various agencies including the National Security Agency and Central Intelligence Agency. She is also featured in several permanent exhibits on network exploitation at the International Spy Museum in Washington, DC.

Joe Cupano is thankful for what he calls "an accidental career" in technology that started with component level repair of early microcomputers (as in, with a soldering iron) to turning technology tricks in three piece suits for globally recognized companies. His first fusion of his amateur radio and computer interests was around 1983 when he successfully sent an auto-run computer program acoustically via VHF radio from one Sinclair ZX81 to another messing with a thermal printer. Joe has served roles in the amateur radio community that include the ARRL HSMM Working Group - which helped spawned the mesh networking popularity of today.

Eric Curwin cofounded Pyrra Technologies in 2021 and serves as the chief technology officer. Prior to Pyrra, he was a research lead at the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Lab (APL), Citizen Lab, and the University of Toronto. During his tenure at APL, he led projects for the Department of Defense focused on misinformation, foreign influence, and human capital. He is a graduate of the United States Military Academy at West Point where he majored in applied mathematics. He subsequently served six years on active duty in both intelligence and operations research roles.

Davis (cdchris12) is a veteran of the USMC and a cybersecurity expert passionate about fostering compassionate and inclusive security cultures. He works at as a security compliance engineer, helping to ensure the company remains compliant with various frameworks. In his time off, he enjoys digital photography, fast cars, and tasty tacos.

dclaw has spent 34 years on the BBSs, IRCs, and Intertubes. dclaw loves long walks on the beach and cleaning up script kiddie hackjobs.

Andy Dennis leads the cloud and platform practice at Modus Create, which spans DevOps, build systems, internal developer platforms, cloud infrastructure, and cybersecurity. Andy has spoken at multiple BSides events around the U.S. and at the DEFCON Recon Village.

Chirayu Desai is the tech lead for CalyxOS and has been working on Android and open source software since 2012. He has worked on all things Android, right from the hardware level code to various apps. He holds a bachelor's degree in computer engineering and works remotely from Ahmedabad, India.

Michael Dierkes is an incoming senior at Lockport Township High School in Illinois. His interests range from economics, geography, and international relations to math, science, and engineering. This past year, he served as president of Lockport's model United Nations team; advised his school's superintendent on matters of policy; participated in math, science, and engineering design competitions; worked with an Argonne National Laboratory nuclear physicist on soon-to-be published research; and volunteered in his local community. He believes in the power of creative, interdisciplinary problem solving to help others and make the world a better place.

Cory Doctorow is a science fiction author, activist, and journalist. He is the author of many books, most recently The Bezzle (a follow-up to Red Team Blues) and The Lost Cause, a solarpunk science fiction novel of hope amidst the climate emergency. His most recent nonfiction book is The Internet Con: How to Seize the Means of Computation, a big tech disassembly manual. In 2020, he was inducted into the Canadian Science Fiction and Fantasy Hall of Fame.

Mark El-Khoury started as an offensive security consultant, doing penetration testing and code and design reviews. Mark then expanded his skillset into the defensive side, leading cybersecurity at various organizations. Mark is a conference speaker, holds security certifications, and has been an instructor at a Columbia University cybersecurity bootcamp for over four years. Mark now works at Activision Blizzard, combining his passions for gaming and cybersecurity.

Reanna Esmail is a member of Library Freedom Project and the lead librarian for instruction at Cornell University. She is particularly interested in critical pedagogy and providing services for various campus communities, especially those that have historically been underserved and underrepresented.

Aisling Fae (transfaeries) is a plural system of artists, witches, and software engineers based in New York City. Fae has extensive experience with machine learning systems in industry, academia, and through various artistic projects, and is also a contributor to the anthology Meanwhile, Elsewhere: Science Fiction and Fantasy from Transgender Writers, as well as regularly self-publishing both fiction and non-fiction on When not developing AI chatbots live on Twitch, Fae enjoys socializing on Discord and cycling around New York City.

Ryan Finnigan is a Colorado-based designer, builder, and inventor.

Vinicius Fortuna leads the software engineering efforts for censorship circumvention technologies at Jigsaw (a unit within Google).

Cara Gagliano is senior staff attorney at the Electronic Frontier Foundation who focuses on trademark, copyright, and free speech issues.

Mean Gene is the head of product at a small cybersecurity startup, a member of NYC Resistor, and an advocate for privacy.

Bill Graydon is a principal at GGR Security, where he hacks everything from locks and alarms to critical infrastructure; this has given him some very fine-tuned skills for breaking stuff. He's passionate about advancing the security field through research, teaching numerous courses, giving talks, and running the Physical Security Village at various cons. He's received various degrees in computer engineering, security, and forensics and comes from a broad background of work experience in physical and cyber security, anti-money laundering, and infectious disease detection.

Johannes Grenzfurthner manipulates people to positively respond to his lies and made-up realities, and he feeds off these emotions. He is an award-winning artist, filmmaker, author, and performer. He lives and works in Vienna, Austria. He is the founder and artistic director of monochrom, an internationally acting art and theory group and film production company. His last feature-length documentaries were Traceroute (2016), Glossary of Broken Dreams (2018), and Hacking at Leaves (2024). His last features were the horror films Masking Threshold (2021) and Razzennest (2022). He is working on the horror feature Solvent (to be released in 2024). He is head of Arse Elektronika, a sex and tech festival in San Francisco, and organizer of Roboexotica, the Festival for Cocktail-Robotics in Vienna.

Lucas Gutterman leads PIRG's Designed to Last campaign, fighting against obsolescence and e-waste and winning concrete policy changes that extend electronic consumer product lifespans and hold manufacturers accountable for forcing upgrades or disposal. He got his start as a PIRG student volunteer and organizing director where he helped register thousands of voters and win zero-waste campaigns to stop plastic pollution. He lives in Brooklyn, New York, with his partner, where he enjoys perfecting his espresso recipe.

Gaelen Hadlett is public interest technologist, educator, and nonprofit director who has a passion for making the world better through accessible and creative learning experiences. He teaches creative technology skills to new American families and has personally taught over 10,000 students in public schools in New York City. His work is experienced by students city-wide through the elementary computer science curricula he wrote and trained teachers on as part of New York's CS4All initiative.

Jasmin Hagendorfer is based in Vienna and is an acclaimed contemporary artist, filmmaker, and curator. Through diverse mediums, she delves into sociopolitical themes and gender identity while showcasing her works internationally. As cofounder and festival director of the Porn Film Festival Vienna, she intertwines feminist and queer theories with art and erotica. Her notable contributions include a TEDx talk in Vienna about the environmental benefits of quality pornography and films like Fudliaks!, Slugfest, and Musings of a Mechatronic Mistress.

Wesley Hales is a longtime security engineer who has built products for many black box, closed source, cybersecurity companies. Today, he is a cofounder at LeakSignal, an open and free solution/project for anyone who needs to defend their networks, APIs, and data.

Dr. Phillip Hallam-Baker was a member of the CERN team that originally developed the World Wide Web. As principal scientist of VeriSign Inc., he made seminal contributions to the WebPKI, Web Services Security, and SAML. His current research focus is private key infrastructure built using threshold technology.

Jeremy Hammond is a hacker, anarchist, antifascist, abolitionist, community organizer, outside agitator, founder of, and was formerly imprisoned for Anonymous hacktivist actions against governments, police, and the security industry.

Bob Hermes is a lifelong engineer and maker who loves solving puzzles and sharing the joy of discovery with others. He founded Lockpick Extreme with his partner Christine Bachman to spread their delight of lockpicking. Together, they have taught thousands of people the joy of lockpicking at in-person conferences and remote events.

Aaron Hillis is an American writer, film critic, director, film festival programmer, and curator. He has over 20 years of experience in the indie film industry, encompassing festivals, programming, development, exhibition, distribution, marketing, filmmaking, and journalism.

Derek Hobbs was born and raised in New London, Connecticut and has been involved with computing technology, phone phreaking, and hacking since the early 90s. He has attended Beyond HOPE, H2K, and H2K2, and most recently he has gotten involved in volunteering at Cyphercon and Milwaukee Bsides. He currently works as an IT security analyst for a small company in Milwaukee, Wisconsin and recently obtained the CompTIA CySA+ certification. He is a father of three kids that he involves in programming and electronics projects. The projects range from scratch programming to Arduino projects.

Lee Hollman has been a New York City teacher for 20 years. Raised on Long Island and on a steady diet of kaiju movies, Star Trek reruns, and Radio Shack electronics kits, Lee now teaches coding, robotics, and more to kids as young as kindergarten age. A proud father of two geeky daughters, he spends his scant spare time finding new robots to play with at home and at school.

Lorax Horne is a writer and journalist from Canada, Ecuador, and the United Kingdom. They work as an editor for DDoSecrets, helping to connect other journalists and researchers to the world's largest library of leaks. Their writing has appeared in Newsweek, The Guardian, and on the CBC.

John Huntington is an author, educator, entertainment and show control systems consultant, and sound engineer. He is also an award-winning photographer and storm chaser. John is a professor emeritus of entertainment technology after more than 24 years at New York City College of Technology, also known as Citytech, which is part of CUNY. At Citytech, he led the audio, live video, and networking/control areas - and for more than 20 years designed the show control systems and oversaw the A/V for the Gravesend Inn. His book Show Networks and Control Systems was the industry standard until it was retired and replaced with two books: Introduction to Show Networking (2020) and Introduction to Show Control (2023).

Suha Sabi Hussain (suhacker) is a security engineer on the machine learning assurance team at Trail of Bits. She has worked on projects such as the Hugging Face Safetensors security audit and Fickling. She received her BS in computer science from Georgia Tech where she also conducted research at the Institute for Information Security and Privacy. She's also a member of the Hack Manhattan makerspace, a practitioner of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, and an appreciator of NYC restaurants.

Inverse Phase runs his own computer+game museum: Bloop Museum near Baltimore. The intersection of "fancy library" and "arcade" in a physical space, he has also preserved the only working BIOS for a computer he hadn't heard of and exonerated wrongly imprisoned people through data archival and preservation. Last but not least, he writes covers, tributes, and original game soundtracks on the computers and consoles therein. His goal is to bring lesser-known and unsung computer and gaming history to light.

Luke Iseman is cofounder of Make Sunsets; he launches balloons full of sulfur dioxide to the stratosphere. Previously, he's done less ambitious DIY plus startup stuff.

David Jacoby is a prominent IT security expert and entrepreneur from Sweden with 25 years of experience in professional hacking, speaking, and research dedicated to fighting digital crime. His work has made significant contributions to public and corporate understanding of IT security, often featuring on international news, television shows, and in publications. His hands-on research has involved hacking his own home to expose vulnerabilities, consulting on the Millennium trilogy to design realistic cyberattacks, and hacking companies live on Swedish television. He effectively combines technology with psychology in his lectures, offering practical cybersecurity advice and demonstrating live hacks to emphasize IT security as a mindset, not just a technological solution.

Dr. Jen, PharmD is a software engineer who also completed a Doctor of Pharmacy. In short, she's a computer geek and a drug geek. She has a keen interest in health information, finding the truth, and sharing what she's found in a way non-drug geeks can understand.

Travis Johns is the head of VauxFlores, an audio electronics company that specializes in the design and manufacture of unusual sound-making devices. Inspired by a fascination with analog electronics, as well as a good minute spent in the trenches of experimental music, he strives to create devices that tip the hat to the unheralded relics of the past, focusing on the sounds of the underground - whether they be garage rock, tropicalia, space music, swamp blues, harsh-noise, field hollers, non-idiomatic western free-improvisation... and so on.

Tushar Jois is an assistant professor of electrical engineering at the City College of New York. He received his PhD in computer science in 2023 from Johns Hopkins University. Tushar's research interests are broadly in computer security, practical cryptography, and censorship resistance. He focuses on the design, implementation, and deployment of secure systems, with the overarching goal of ensuring users' privacy in their everyday lives.

Kody Kinzie is a Montana-based ethical hacker who specializes in teaching beginners about open-source intelligence, Wi-Fi security, and electronics. He's taught cybersecurity to millions of beginners on popular YouTube channels like Hak5, Null Byte, and SecurityFwd. He also organizes cybersecurity training, talks, and outreach events at hackerspaces and conferences around the world.

Jeffrey Knockel is a senior research associate at the Citizen Lab. In his research, he seeks to bring transparency to censorship, surveillance, and other harmful software behavior.

Mallory Knodel is the CTO at the Center for Democracy and Technology in Washington, DC and the co-chair of the Human Rights Protocol Considerations research group of the Internet Research Task Force. She was a member of the Internet Architecture Board. She is an advisor to the Freedom Online Coalition, the Open Technology Fund, and several public interest implementers of security, privacy, and circumvention tools.

Tom Kranz has over 30 years' experience in cybersecurity, starting with breaking into Prestel with a BBC Micro in the U.K. in the early 80s. He's now a CISO, author, and consultant. Working with HPC and supercomputing systems in the 1990s and early 2000s, he moved on to using machine learning and AI in cybersecurity, and writing a book for NVIDIA about how AI can transform defensive cybersecurity.

Micah Lee is a security engineer, software developer, journalist, and the author of Hacks, Leaks, and Revelations: The Art of Analyzing Hacked and Leaked Data. He did OPSEC for journalists while Snowden was leaking NSA docs to them, he was recently the director of infosec for The Intercept, and now he hacks on a variety of exciting projects that are good for the world.

Matthew Leidlein is president at Digital Asset Redemption (DAR), a compliance-focused service provider to companies involved in cybersecurity incident response. Matt works with stakeholders to navigate the complexities of data theft, cyber extortion, and ransomware. His path to cyber incident response began with a willingness to answer hard questions. From brokerage and trading execution desks in Chicago and Switzerland, he brings a comprehensive portfolio risk management background to every case DAR handles. Matt is a licensed FINRA broker.

Evan Light is an associate professor of communication at York University's Glendon College in Toronto, Canada and originally hails from the pine barrens of New Jersey. He does research on surveillance and aims to do something about it. He also smokes a mean tuna.

Beryl Lipton is investigative researcher at the Electronic Frontier Foundation who focuses on government transparency and law enforcement surveillance technology.

Jason A. Long is a software engineer, founder, and technology executive with a passion for social change. He serves as the technical director of the Innovation Lab at Human Rights First, providing technical management and strategic guidance on the Lab's projects. Jason is active in organizations providing opportunities to formerly incarcerated and otherwise marginalized people.

Douglas Lucas is a Seattle-based freelance journalist published by Salon, Vice, WhoWhatWhy, the Texas Observer, and more. He's perhaps most known for covering the legal battles of federal defendants from the hacktivism/transparency movement; corroborating and analyzing revelations from the emails hacked out of the spy firm Stratfor; and investigating the MAGA-led statewide voting software compromise stemming from the Coffee County, Georgia elections office breach. Otherwise, he's writing science fiction, substitute teaching, copywriting, tending to his houseplants, and preparing to leave the United States this winter.

Alex Lynd is a hardware hacker and cybersecurity instructor who builds low-cost wireless hacking tools at his company LyndLabs. He creates educational hacking content on shows like Hak5, and also founded DevKitty, where he develops cat-themed hardware for makers and hackers!

M' has been in love with computers as long as he remembers. The professional side of this relationship has taken him to work as dependability expert on some of the largest and most famous distributed systems in the world. As a hobby and a pleasure, M' likes to play in domains like system security and cryptography. M' is a privacy advocate and will never tire of sharing tips for staying safe and private on the Internet.

Alison Macrina is an activist librarian and the director of Library Freedom Project. She started LFP in 2015 to organize and build community with other librarians who are dedicated to library values of privacy, intellectual freedom, social responsibility, and the public good.

Caleb Madrigal is a hacker and mathematician who enjoys waves. He's done some IoT hacking using direct modulation of radio waves, he's done a good bit of network hacking at various OSI layers, and, more recently, he's been playing with visualizing some of the wave math he learned doing radio hacking to do art at By day, Caleb does AI/ML consulting (particularly on the ML ops/data preparation side). One of his top areas of interest is the intersection of cybersecurity and AI (which he used to work on at Mandiant).

Jeff Man, INFOSEC curmudgeon, is a respected information security advocate/evangelist, trusted advisor, international keynoter, co-host on Paul's Security Weekly, and Tribe of Hackers (TOH) contributor. As a certified NSA cryptanalyst, he designed and fielded the first SW-based cryptosystem produced by NSA, designed a cryptographic cipher wheel used by U.S. Special Forces for over a decade, and was the principal architect of the first NSA "Red Team."

Alex Marthews is the national chair of Restore the Fourth. He was deeply involved with the recent fight on Capitol Hill over the government's warrantless surveillance of US persons' communications.

Devon H. McCormick has been coding for decades in array languages, mostly in the financial arena, but also to support his hobby of street photography. He runs a monthly software meetup for the J language and other array languages, with topics ranging from language basics to more general areas including language design and philosophical implications of coding decisions. He has given talks about programming, statistics, and quantitative finance.

Meow-Ludo is an Australian biohacker, serial political candidate, and general provocateur. He is interested in transdisciplinary technological systems and how they can be used and abused. He is perhaps most well known for taking the government to court over his right to use an implanted travel pass and, by doing so, opened up a global conversation concerning the rights that individuals have over the technology they use. He is currently working on life extension gene therapy design and assisting with psilocybin therapies for depression.

Matt Mets is technically director of Blinkinlabs and is a maker who uses electronics to create playful objects that teach and inspire. An electrical engineer by training, he's been at various times an RF engineer, embedded systems architect, writer, and exhibit designer.

Chris Meyer was born in southern Wisconsin and attended the University of Wisconsin - Madison for engineering. He should have gone to dental school and made a lot of money, but screwed up and ended up a poor (in both ways) engineer instead.

Paul "The_Gibson" Miller is the founder/leader/community organizer of, Optimistic Nihilists Inc. organizer and founder, hacker, infosec professional, and passionate privacy advocate. Paul has worked to show the ways a centralized Internet has harmed our culture and the future. He believes you should always be N00bin', and that collectively we can restore the promise of the future the Internet once offered us.

Matt Mitchell is a hacktivist and the founder of CryptoHarlem. He recently was featured in NOVA's "Secrets in Your Data" on PBS. In 2021, Matt graced the cover of Newsweek and was named one of America's greatest disruptors. That same year, he received a Pioneer Award from the Electronic Frontier Foundation. In 2020, he was named a WIRED25 by Wired, and in 2017 was named a "Human of The Year" by VICE Motherboard. Matt is a well-known security researcher, operational security trainer, and data journalist. He worked as an independent digital security/counter surveillance trainer for media and humanitarian focused private security firms. His personal work focuses on marginalized, aggressively monitored, over-policed populations in the United States and abroad.

Andrew Morican is a lifelong violin player/teacher and coder. He is an instructor for the Community School of Music and the Arts at Canadian Mennonite University, a member of the musical act Andrew&Andrew, and since 2018 the CTO for iSBERGDATA.

moshfet is a recovering graduate student who is regaining his footing within the community and social collectives in and around Tucson including, but not limited to, Tucson Mesh. When he does touch his computer, he enjoys building Yocto distributions for FPGA-emulated embedded systems, obsessing over boot-chain security and integrity, and telling everyone else in Tucson Mesh that the false-positive LibreNMS outages are actually resolved this time.

murph is a system administrator in New Jersey, desktop Linux user, and EFF member. This will be murph's 20th year attending HOPE, along with several HOPEs that murph has been accepted to present at.

Randy Naraine is a cybersecurity architect who also heads security engineering at jetBlue Airways. He has been involved in integration, SOAR, observability, audit, design, and security testing within the airline over the past four years. Prior to jetBlue, he was a network security engineer at J.Crew, and prior to this he was a piano salesman and teacher. He is an avid traveler (73 countries and 50 states) and musician who enjoys learning and dissecting technology to help protect the airline systems in order to keep the planes flying so he can keep exploring.

Dr. Greg Newby has a lifelong interest in the expansion of human intellect and capability through use of information and computing technologies. He has worked in information science, supercomputing, climate science, and has been an innovator in education, online community-building, and digital literacy.

Karen Ng has been a physical security pentester for almost eight years, during which time she's given talks at a variety of conferences, including A New HOPE in 2022. She's also a founding member of the Physical Security Village, an education and awareness nonprofit. She currently only has one chip in her hand, and has yet to receive any monetary compensation from the New World Order for it.

Daniel Nowak is a highly experienced professional with a broad and advanced set of skills, specialized in areas that are crucial for cybersecurity, intelligence, and digital operations. Daniel has over 25 years within the global information security community. His work involves a mix of technological expertise and strategic advisory roles, helping various high-profile entities navigate complex and sensitive domains.

Tarek Omar is creative technologist at the Math Museum and embedded engineer for best-selling escape rooms, and also runs a small business crafting custom bags that seamlessly blend functionality and style.

Brandon Paiz is a software developer and creator of the Nugget Quest and USB Nugget projects. He works at a small software company and teaches Nugget classes at conferences and online.

Xavier Palmer comes from multiple disciplines and is also part of the virtual lab BiosView. He is fond of promoting positive and creative projects with nontraditional students that foster curiosity and conversation around technologies that interface with all aspects of biology.

Amy Parness co-owns Sparkle Labs with Ariel Churi where they design and sell educational electronics kits.

Stephen Perez is program director for Restore the Fourth, a non-profit advocacy group fighting mass government surveillance. He works with RT4’s national and state level chapters on campaigns, Congressional outreach, and policy research. He started as an activist against mass incarceration and inhumane treatment of those in U.S. prisons.

Alessandro Polidoro is an attorney at law and digital rights advocate experienced in IT law, criminal law, and digital forensics. As an independent lawyer, he collaborates with different NGOs and law firms located across Europe, Africa, and North America, being responsible for cases pertaining to privacy, cybercrimes, and the safeguard of workers' rights. Core activity of his work is offering legal protection against hate crimes and gender-based violence, particularly with regard to image-based sexual abuse.

Amon Poston is a software engineer who is passionate about leveraging technology to support human rights, especially for North Koreans. In 2022, he left his comfortable startup position to become a contractor, dedicating his time to researching how he can aid the freedom of North Koreans and people living under authoritarian rule.

Lucas Potter has been an engineer with BiosView, specifically focusing on biocybersecurity, for the past five years. Previous efforts have resulted in 14 academic journal articles and 22 conference articles.

Jason Prechtel is a writer, organizer, and public records activist based in Queens. He is best known for his successful Freedom of Information Act lawsuits against the Federal Communications Commission, General Services Administration, and Chicago Transit Authority. Jason is also the creator of, a searchable database of fake net neutrality-related public comments posted to the FCC's website in 2017 that he matched with government data showing the actual poster behind each comment. These days, Jason writes New York On Earth, an NYC-centric weekly newsletter about climate news, policy, and events.

Constance Prevot is a software engineering undergraduate student at Concordia University in Montreal, specializing in cybersecurity. She actively participates in cybersecurity competitions, conferences, and events. She is currently doing an internship in the research department at GoSecure and works part-time as a SOC analyst at OnePoint. Additionally, Constance serves as the president of the computer science club at her university.

Cooper Quintin is a security researcher and senior public interest technologist with the EFF Threat Lab. and board member of Open Archive. He has worked on projects including Privacy Badger, Canary Watch, and analysis of state-sponsored malware campaigns such as Dark Caracal. Cooper has given security trainings for activists, nonprofit workers, and vulnerable populations around the world. He previously worked building websites for nonprofits, including Greenpeace, Adbusters, and the Chelsea Manning Support Network. Cooper was also an editor and contributor to the hacktivist journal, Hack This Zine. In his spare time, he enjoys making music, visualizing a solar-punk communitarian future, and playing with his kids.

Michael Ravnitzky is an attorney and writer who lives in Maryland. He has more than 40 years of experience with public records requests, and has advocated for improvements to Freedom of Information and better access to public data. In 2007, he co-founded the unique Government Attic website, which has introduced and popularized many new and innovative concepts in FOIA requests. He has shared his experience in public records laws at journalism and public records educational events, including presenting workshops and talks at several HOPE conferences.

Zoë Reichert is an undergraduate research assistant at the Citizen Lab at the University of Toronto's Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy. Her interests include security research and tech policy.

Bill Reyor is the director of security consulting at Modus Create and leads a team of individuals who specialize in DevSecOps, cloud security, and security operations. Bill is an organizer of BSides CT and a contributor to the Modus thought leadership team on AI and AI security.

Paul Roberts is the founder of Secure Repairs and president of the Secure Resilient Future Foundation (SRFF), a nonprofit organization of technology experts, tinkerers, and information security professionals that works to foster the creation of secure, transparent, resilient, and sustainable technology ecosystems. He is a cybersecurity journalist and advocate for a legal right to repair. Paul is a recognized expert on cybersecurity who has testified before the U.S. Congress. His writing has appeared in publications including Mother Jones, Forbes, The Christian Science Monitor, and MIT Technology Review. He has appeared on NPR's Marketplace Tech Report, KPCC's AirTalk, Fox News' Tech Take, Al Jazeera, and... wait for it... The Oprah Winfrey Show.

Dr. Saul D. Robinson is a husband, father, and walker of two dogs. He is an American immigrant born in the United Kingdom and a long term resident of St. Louis, Missouri. Beginning his education with a degree in physics, he forgot to stop and ended up with far too many pieces of paper from academic, professional, and government bodies. Transitioning from a two-decade aviation career, he founded Fraign Analytics. At Fraign, he develops innovative AI and machine learning applications focusing on aviation systems and multilingual NLP. Dr. Robinson's academic work includes numerous journal articles and pending patents in cooperative AI technologies.

Jeffrey Roe is a software/hardware engineer from Ireland. He builds public transport systems and lectures in the design innovation department at Maynooth University. In his free time, he loves to experiment with bubble machines, bone conduction technology, IoT devices, and anything that involves LEDs. As a firm believer in the power of making and creativity, Jeffrey co-runs Dublin Maker, an annual festival that showcases the best of the maker community. He is also heavily involved with Tog, Dublin's hackerspace, which provides a collaborative environment for people to work on their projects. He is also an amateur radio enthusiast, constantly exploring new ways to integrate technology into his projects.

rolltime is a maker, writer, and computer priestess. She's interested in democratized computing, sustainable agriculture, and how people and technology each shape the other. She lives in New York City.

Dan Romanchik (KB6NU) has been a ham radio hacker since he was 10 years old. He enjoys all kinds of ham radio activities, but his favorite things to do are operating CW and teaching ham radio classes.

Dr. Peter Romine has a long, distinguished record of leadership, teaching, curriculum development, and research. Most recently, he was awarded a multimillion dollar grant from the National Science Foundation to increase the number of Native Americans completing high school, selecting STEM college majors and careers.

Lucas Rooyakkers currently researches covert communications at Royal Military College, and is a red teamer at GGR Security. Formerly a software engineer for a satellite Internet company (not Elon's) and a signaller in the military, Lucas has written code for several low Earth orbit satellites whizzing above your head in space, and for open-source projects. When not procrastinating thesis writing, he can often be found with an SDR trying to bypass some security system or other. Lucas also speaks Esperanto.

Ashley Rose serves as a dedicated threat intelligence analyst at AFTRDRK. Ashley is responsible for monitoring, gathering, and dissecting intelligence derived from both ongoing and historical ransomware attacks, as well as from underground forums and communication channels. She leverages analytical tools and methodologies to assist in tracking ransomware campaigns and help identify emerging trends

Ed Ryan is a New York intellectual property attorney specializing in patents, with a background in physics. Ed's practice deals heavily with machine learning technologies.

Vikram Saraph is a mathematician and academic, reinventing himself as a software engineer at the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Lab. Previously, he worked on ads models at Facebook, but he didn't enjoy it as much as he'd hoped. He has always been interested in all things low level and is just getting started dipping his toes into the hacker subculture.

Rob Savoye is a longtime activist with a focus on homeless rights and peaceful assembly. He has been to court many times for Rainbow Gatherings to defend the right to peacefully assembly on public land and to live without a home in the Colorado front range. As a software engineer, he focuses on software freedom instead of corporate monopoly. Rob is currently working on free software for emergency response mapping for international disasters.

Michael Schloh von Bennewitz (MSvB) is a computer scientist specializing in embedded systems. As chairman of Novel Circuits, he produces cryptosecure electronic devices while contributing to open-source development communities. Michael teaches hardware security and fosters electronics enthusiasts at the Badge Clinic. Together with a team of hackers, he produced the HOPE electronic badge to help celebrate the event's 30th anniversary.

Jack Schoonover is an audio engineer and sound designer based in the Adirondack region of New York with about 15 years of synth DIY experience in a wide variety of formats. Since 2021, his company SetonixSynth has released a variety of products, primarily in the Eurorack modular format, and has been a constant presence at synth gatherings around the U.S.

Roel Schouwenberg has over 20 years of experience in the security field. He has engaged in long-term campaign and actor tracking across the cyber, influence, and information domains. One of Roel's areas of interest is how state actors are leveraging offensive cyber and social media for deniable operations.

Jason Scott is an archivist and historian of technology. He brings a unique perspective on the historical and future implications of digital archives, technology, and data of intimacy.

SecuritySean is CISO and professor of psychology and cybersecurity at a university, teaching on the psychology of cyberattacks.

Davide Semenzin is a pilot and engineering manager at ABL Space Systems. He previously worked as a software engineer at AWS and built the books digitization infrastructure at the Internet Archive. In his free time, he likes to read books, fly on airplanes, fly airplanes, and play with lasers.

Greg Speranza is a cybersecurity engineer for jetBlue Airways, primarily working on the web/application side of the spectrum. Over the past year, he has worked to reduce the amount of account takeovers/credential stuffing attacks by upwards of 50 percent. In addition to this, he has worked with various different technical teams across the organization to implement creative solutions to better protect jetBlue's vital web assets. His dedication to enhancing jetBlue's cybersecurity posture not only enhances the company's defenses against threats, but also ensures a more secure experience for jetBlue's customers and employees.

Kimberly Springer is a member of Library Freedom Project and co-director of the Columbia Privacy Lab. Kimberly thinks and creates in the spaces of the surveillance state, Black feminist praxis, digital culture, social movements, and media.

Andrew Strutt aka RDNt, r0d3nt, astrutt has been a cybersecurity professional for 25 years working in IR, DR, and CI, working with U.S. DoD and DARPA, U.K. MoD and DSTL. A phreaker from 916 and 702, his amateur radio call sign is K6ADS.

James Taliento (JT) is the founder and CEO of AFTRDRK, a leading intelligence services company specializing in ransomware and digital extortion. With over a decade of experience in cybersecurity, JT has honed his expertise in red teaming and threat intelligence, specifically in the realms of OSINT and HUMINT.

Adam Tannir is somehow still finding new ways to argue with computers. When he is not at FUBAR Labs or studying analog signals, he is applying his software skills to designing and augmenting robots at a startup. His interests include electronic music, obsolete media, language, and solving difficult problems.

Lizz Thabet is an artist and programmer excited about homemade internets and technology skillshare. Over the last few years, Liz has been learning about self-hosting websites for her own creative practice and building web-based tools for playing on networks to share with others. Liz also makes weird drawings, readymade sculptures, and handmade books. In her day job, she helps build tools for other programmers with an eye towards open-source projects and accessible websites.

Tilde Thurium is a San Francisco based artist, activist, and engineer. By day they are a free and open source software advocate at deepset. They can probably deadlift more than you. Ask them about how to paint an algorithm, the intersections between mutual aid and biology, or which coast has the best vegan croissants.

Marc Weber Tobias is the author of eight books on security, locks, law, and police communications. He gave several presentations at different HOPE conferences and wrote one of the primary references in the lock industry: Locks, Safes, and Security. His team was also responsible for analyzing Medeco's high-security locks and determining four keys that could allow their locks to be bumped or picked worldwide. Marc is a lawyer and was chief of the Organized Crime Unit for the Office of the Attorney General in South Dakota. He runs a security team that works for many of the largest lock manufacturers in the world. His latest book, Tobias on Locks and Insecurity Engineering, is a 700-page treatise that explains why locks can be defeated and provides many examples of what he defines as "insecurity engineering."

TProphet writes the "Telecom Informer" column found on Page 13 of every issue of 2600: The Hacker Quarterly. He has regularly written for 2600 for over 30 years.

Angelina Tsuboi is a programmer, mechatronics engineer, and scientific researcher dedicated to advancing technology by developing inventions and conducting eclectic scientific research.

Unixjazz is a researcher in anthropology and computing. His work has been dedicated to the underground computing histories within and beyond the Euro-American scenes. He has been active in organizing hacker gatherings and conferences in Brazil, the United States, and France, and has written on the topic of hacker responses to social, political, and environmental issues.

Laura Upegui is an ingenious UX designer with a multidisciplinary background in behavioral economics and industrial engineering. With over three years of design experience and more than seven years in teaching, researching, and consulting, she excels in systems thinking, technology, and innovation. Laura co-founded La Cocina de Estrategias, an online UX and service design school for Spanish speakers, and has designed impactful projects like the Sustainable Development Goals Cluster for INCOSE. Passionate about ethics and human-centered design, Laura is dedicated to using design as a powerful force for social change.

Alexander Urbelis is an internationally recognized technology attorney and cybersecurity expert who is the general counsel and CISO of the Ethereum Name Service. In addition to his practice of law, Alex also served as the CISO of the NFL, is a member of the technology advisory board of Human Rights First, and is a professor of law at King's College, London. Alex's federal service includes positions within the Central Intelligence Agency, the U.S. Army JAG Corps, and the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces. But most importantly, many of you know Alex as your favorite talking head on Off The Hook, and from his regular 2600 column "Artificial Interruption."

Danacea Vo founded Cyberlixir, a human-focused cybersecurity service provider for various nonprofits and people-centered corporations globally. She has a bachelor's in philosophy, a master's in cybersecurity, and numerous cybersecurity certifications. Working alongside human rights defenders, organizers, and journalists, Danacea embodies the ethos of safeguarding the vulnerable. This value is further conveyed through her work on social media platforms, where she teaches cybersecurity best practices to the public and disseminates various ethical implications of technology.

Allen Walker IV graduated from Old Dominion University (ODU) with a bachelor's in criminal justice in 2011 and later obtained a master's in cyber security from ODU in 2019. He continued his education at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in their engineering doctoral program and established CySecSol, LLC, which evolved into CyberLINC, a nonprofit program aimed at improving talent pooling in cybersecurity. Through CyberLINC, he has placed nearly 90 interns in Fortune 500 companies and facilitated over 80 students' enrollment in ODU's cybersecurity graduate program. Currently, he is pursuing another PhD in homeland security at Liberty University to further advance his expertise in the field. He currently works as a cyber threat intelligence analyst within The Boeing Company.

Mona Wang is a PhD candidate in the Center for IT Policy at Princeton University and a former EFF technologist. She studies network security with a focus on the Chinese mobile application ecosystem.

Ash Wheeler is a bioengineering student from Colorado, focused on open-source technology. They have experience in software development and video production, and occasionally teach at hackercons. Ash is also interested in rock climbing and Retia-related projects.

Marcia K. Wilbur is a GNU Linux AIoT developer, author, and advocate with a focus on security and privacy. While pursuing a degree in computer science, she participated in DVD-Discuss at Harvard's Berkman Center for Internet and Society, collaborating on case topics and an amicus brief related to DeCSS. In 2002-2003, serving as an intern, she was an advisory committee member for the Free Software Foundation's digital speech project, moving to writing the DMCA FAQs for the EFF blog in 2003. Recently, she spoke at Yale Law School about copyright, surveillance, privacy and rights.

Catie Wilkinson is the membership director at The Calyx Institute, where she works to make its mission and membership programs an enduring success. A longtime advocate for online privacy rights and accessible digital security tools, Catie is committed to making the digital world safer for everyone by providing direct outreach to Calyx's members, creating educational materials to help people take control of their digital privacy, and raising awareness about the digital privacy threats and mitigation strategies that shape our online world today.

Ed Wilson is an avid ham, with a deep belief in the future of the hobby evolving from the hacker and maker communities. He is a staunch believer in the addition of amateur radio to the STEM curriculum. Ed is not just another OM complaining about medical conditions on the air.

Tess Wilson is the deputy director of Library Freedom Project, and also a librarian who loves talking loudly about digital literacy, equitable access, and citizen science.

Ben Wiseman is an associate director in the FTC’s Division of Privacy and Identity Protection.

XaiL is a red teamer, bug bounty hunter, and staunch privacy advocate.

Junyi Yi is a software engineer at Jigsaw. Jigsaw is a unit within Google that explores threats to open societies and builds technology that inspires scalable solutions.

Hannah Zhao is staff attorney at the Electronic Frontier Foundation who focuses on criminal justice, privacy, and cybersecurity issues.